SQL and Relational Algebra 1. SQL
Find all passengers, between the ages of 20 and 30 (inclusive), who have a “Vegan” or “Vegetarian” dietary preference. Return their ID, name, and age.
p . personid AS id,
p . name ,
p . age
FROM person p
JOIN passenger pass ON p . personid = pass . personid
p . age BETWEEN 20 AND 30
AND pass . dietarypref IN ( 'Vegan' , 'Vegetarian' )
ORDER BY p . personid ;
a. Find the number of airplanes that exist for each model. Return the model and the count for each model.
b. Extend your query from (a) to find the number of airplanes in each model for any of the following airlines: ‘Air Canada’, ‘Etihad Airways’, or ‘United Airlines’. Return the name of the airline, the model, and the number of airplanes.
-- Q2a
COUNT ( * ) AS numairplanes
FROM airplane
GROUP BY model
ORDER BY model;
-- Q2b
a . name AS airlinename,
p . model ,
COUNT ( * ) AS numairplanes
FROM airplane p
JOIN airline a ON p . airlinealias = a . alias
WHERE a . name IN ( 'Air Canada' , 'Etihad Airways' , 'United Airlines' )
GROUP BY a . name , p . model
ORDER BY a . name , p . model ;
a. For each “Air Canada” ticket, find the average of the total weight, for all baggage associated to the ticket. Return the ticket number, and the average total (baggage) weight.
b. Find all tickets with “Oversized”, non-fragile baggage with a total weight (strictly) greater than 90 lbs, during the holiday season from Dec. 10, 2023 to Jan. 3, 2024 (inclusive). Return all qualifying ticket numbers, and the total (Oversized)
baggage weight.
-- Q3a
t . ticketno ,
AVG ( b . totalweight ) AS AverageBaggageWeight
FROM ticket t
JOIN scheduledflight sf
t . flightno = sf . flightno
AND t . flightdepdate = sf . depdate
JOIN airline a ON sf . airlinealias = a . alias
LEFT JOIN baggage b ON t . ticketno = b . ticketno
WHERE a . name = 'Air Canada'
GROUP BY t . ticketno
ORDER BY t . ticketno ;
-- Q3b
b . ticketno ,
b . totalweight AS OversizedBaggageWeight
FROM baggage b
JOIN ticket t ON b . ticketno = t . ticketno
JOIN scheduledflight sf
t . flightno = sf . flightno
AND t . flightdepdate = sf . depdate
b . bagtype = 'Oversized'
AND b . fragile = FALSE
AND b . totalweight > 90
AND sf . depdate BETWEEN '2023-12-10' AND '2024-01-03'
ORDER BY b . ticketno ;
Where and when are the cheapest tickets for flights from Toronto “YYZ” to Orlando “MCO”?
Return the ticket number, the date of departure, the minimum price (rename to min-Price), and the website where the ticket(s) were purchased.
WITH MinPriceFlights AS (
-- First find the minimum price for this route
SELECT MIN ( b . Price ) as min_price
FROM Route r
JOIN ScheduledFlight sf ON r . RouteID = sf . RouteID
JOIN Ticket t ON sf . FlightNo = t . FlightNo
AND sf . DepDate = t . FlightDepDate
JOIN Book b ON t . TicketNo = b . TicketNo
WHERE r . srcAirport = 'YYZ'
AND r . dstAirport = 'MCO'
t . TicketNo ,
sf . DepDate as DepartureDate,
b . Price as minPrice,
b . Website
FROM Route r
JOIN ScheduledFlight sf ON r . RouteID = sf . RouteID
JOIN Ticket t ON sf . FlightNo = t . FlightNo
AND sf . DepDate = t . FlightDepDate
JOIN Book b ON t . TicketNo = b . TicketNo
CROSS JOIN MinPriceFlights mpf
WHERE r . srcAirport = 'YYZ'
AND r . dstAirport = 'MCO'
AND b . Price = mpf . min_price
ORDER BY sf . DepDate ;
a. Which routes are served by at least three airlines? Return the routeID, and display your results in descending order by the number of airlines.
b. Which routes are not served by any airline? Return the routeID, the source and destination airports
-- Q5a
u . RouteID ,
COUNT ( DISTINCT u . AirlineAlias ) as NumAirlines
FROM Use u
GROUP BY u . RouteID
HAVING COUNT ( DISTINCT u . AirlineAlias ) >= 3
ORDER BY NumAirlines DESC ;
-- Q5b
r . RouteID ,
r . srcAirport as SourceAirport,
r . dstAirport as DestinationAirport
FROM Route r
LEFT JOIN Use u ON r . RouteID = u . RouteID
WHERE u . AirlineAlias IS NULL
ORDER BY r . RouteID ;
a. Find the number of distinct passengers who also work as either a pilot, cabin crew, or ground staff. Rename this result as NumStaffPassengers.
b. For each airline, how many pilots or cabin crew are also passengers? Return the airline (alias), and the corresponding count
-- Q6a
COUNT ( DISTINCT p . PersonID ) as NumStaffPassengers
FROM Passenger p
WHERE p . PersonID IN (
SELECT PersonID FROM CabinCrew
SELECT PersonID FROM GroundStaff
-- Q6b
a . Alias as AirlineAlias,
COUNT ( DISTINCT p . PersonID ) as StaffPassengerCount
FROM Airline a
-- Get all pilots and cabin crew
SELECT PersonID, AirlineAlias
FROM CabinCrew
-- For pilots, we need to get their airline through the planes they fly
SELECT DISTINCT pi . PersonID , ap . AirlineAlias
FROM Pilot pi
JOIN Flies f ON pi . PersonID = f . PilotID
JOIN Airplane ap ON f . AirplaneSNo = ap . SerialNo
) AS staff ON a . Alias = staff . AirlineAlias
-- Join with Passenger to check which staff are also passengers
JOIN Passenger pass ON staff . PersonID = pass . PersonID
GROUP BY a . Alias
ORDER BY a . Alias ;
a. Find all the one-way routes operated by airline “ACA”, i.e., airline alias = ‘ACA’. In this context, a one-way route is where the airline serves from a source airport to a destination airport, but not in the reverse direction. Return the route ID, and the corresponding source and destination airports, respectively.
b. Find the most popular route where the departure date lies between “2023-12-01” to “2023-12-31” (inclusive). Popularity is defined as the maximum number of tickets purchased during this time duration. Return the route ID, the corresponding source and destination air- ports, and number of tickets sold along this route.
-- Q7a
r1 . RouteID ,
r1 . srcAirport as SourceAirport,
r1 . dstAirport as DestinationAirport
FROM Route r1
JOIN Use u1 ON r1 . RouteID = u1 . RouteID
WHERE u1 . AirlineAlias = 'ACA'
-- Check if reverse route exists
FROM Route r2
JOIN Use u2 ON r2 . RouteID = u2 . RouteID
WHERE u2 . AirlineAlias = 'ACA'
AND r2 . srcAirport = r1 . dstAirport
AND r2 . dstAirport = r1 . srcAirport
ORDER BY r1 . RouteID ;
-- Q7b
WITH RouteTickets AS (
-- Count tickets per route in December 2023
r . RouteID ,
r . srcAirport ,
r . dstAirport ,
COUNT ( * ) as TicketCount
FROM Route r
JOIN ScheduledFlight sf ON r . RouteID = sf . RouteID
JOIN Ticket t ON sf . FlightNo = t . FlightNo
AND sf . DepDate = t . FlightDepDate
WHERE sf . DepDate BETWEEN '2023-12-01' AND '2023-12-31'
GROUP BY r . RouteID , r . srcAirport , r . dstAirport
MaxTickets AS (
-- Find the maximum ticket count
SELECT MAX (TicketCount) as MaxCount
FROM RouteTickets
rt . RouteID ,
rt . srcAirport as SourceAirport,
rt . dstAirport as DestinationAirport,
rt . TicketCount as NumberOfTickets
FROM RouteTickets rt, MaxTickets mt
WHERE rt . TicketCount = mt . MaxCount
ORDER BY rt . RouteID ;
a. Which Air Canada (alias “ACA”) flights from source airport “YYZ” to destination airport “MCO” have “First” class tickets? Return all satisfying flight numbers.
b. Find all airlines that are unique to their country (i.e., they are the only airline for their country). Return the airline alias, airline name, and the country name
-- Q8a
WITH AirlinesPerCountry AS (
-- Count airlines per country
c . Code as CountryCode,
c . Name as CountryName,
COUNT ( * ) as AirlineCount
FROM Country c
JOIN Airline a ON c . Code = a . CountryCode
GROUP BY c . Code , c . Name
HAVING COUNT ( * ) = 1
a . Alias as AirlineAlias,
a . Name as AirlineName,
apc . CountryName
FROM Airline a
JOIN AirlinesPerCountry apc ON a . CountryCode = apc . CountryCode
ORDER BY apc . CountryName , a . Name ;
-- Q8b
a1 . Alias as AirlineAlias,
a1 . Name as AirlineName,
c . Name as CountryName
FROM Airline a1
JOIN Country c ON a1 . CountryCode = c . Code
FROM Airline a2
WHERE a2 . CountryCode = a1 . CountryCode
AND a2 . Alias != a1 . Alias
ORDER BY c . Name , a1 . Name ;
2. Relational Algebra
For queries Q1 - Q6, give the corresponding relational algebra expression
R 1 = Person ⋈ Person.PersonID = Passenger.PersonID Passenger R 2 = σ Age ≥ 20 ∧ Age ≤ 30 ∧ ( DietaryPref = ’Vegan’ ∧ ∨ DietaryPref = ’Vegetarian’ ) ( R 1 ) Result = π PersonID , Name , Age ( R 2 ) \begin{align}
& R_1 = \text{Person} \bowtie_{\text{Person.PersonID} = \text{Passenger.PersonID}} \text{Passenger} \\[6pt]
& R_2 = \sigma_{\substack{
\text{Age} \geq 20 \\
\wedge \, \text{Age} \leq 30 \\
\wedge \, \big(\text{DietaryPref} = \text{'Vegan'} \\
\phantom{\wedge \,} \vee \, \text{DietaryPref} = \text{'Vegetarian'}\big)
}} (R_1) \\[6pt]
& \text{Result} = \pi_{\text{PersonID}, \, \text{Name}, \, \text{Age}} (R_2)
\end{align} R 1 = Person ⋈ Person.PersonID = Passenger.PersonID Passenger R 2 = σ Age ≥ 20 ∧ Age ≤ 30 ∧ ( DietaryPref = ’Vegan’ ∧ ∨ DietaryPref = ’Vegetarian’ ) ( R 1 ) Result = π PersonID , Name , Age ( R 2 )
γ Model , count ( ∗ ) → NumAirplanes ( Airplane ) \gamma_{\text{Model}, \text{count}(*) \rightarrow \text{NumAirplanes}}(\text{Airplane}) γ Model , count ( ∗ ) → NumAirplanes ( Airplane )
R 1 = Airplane ⋈ AirlineAlias = Alias Airline R 2 = σ Name = ’Air Canada’ ∨ Name = ’Etihad Airways’ ∨ Name = ’United Airlines’ ( R 1 ) Result = γ Name , Model , count ( ∗ ) → NumAirplanes ( R 2 ) \begin{align}
& R_1 = \text{Airplane} \bowtie_{\text{AirlineAlias = Alias}} \text{Airline} \\[6pt]
& R_2 = \sigma_{\substack{
\text{Name} = \text{'Air Canada'} \\
\vee \, \text{Name} = \text{'Etihad Airways'} \\
\vee \, \text{Name} = \text{'United Airlines'}
}} (R_1) \\[6pt]
& \text{Result} = \gamma_{\substack{
\text{Name}, \text{Model}, \\
\text{count}(*) \rightarrow \text{NumAirplanes}
}} (R_2)
\end{align} R 1 = Airplane ⋈ AirlineAlias = Alias Airline R 2 = σ Name = ’Air Canada’ ∨ Name = ’Etihad Airways’ ∨ Name = ’United Airlines’ ( R 1 ) Result = γ Name , Model , count ( ∗ ) → NumAirplanes ( R 2 )
R 1 = Ticket ⋈ FlightNo = FlightNo ∧ FlightDepDate = DepDate ScheduledFlight R 2 = R 1 ⋈ AirlineAlias = Alias Airline R 3 = R 2 ⋈ Ticket.TicketNo = Baggage.TicketNo Baggage R 4 = σ Name = ’Air Canada’ ( R 3 ) R 5 = π TicketNo , TotalWeight ( R 4 ) Result = γ TicketNo , avg ( TotalWeight ) → AverageBaggageWeight ( R 5 ) \begin{align}
& R_1 = \text{Ticket} \bowtie_{
\text{FlightNo = FlightNo} \\
\wedge \, \text{FlightDepDate = DepDate}
}} \text{ScheduledFlight} \\[6pt]
& R_2 = R_1 \bowtie_{\text{AirlineAlias = Alias}} \text{Airline} \\[6pt]
& R_3 = R_2 \Join_{\text{Ticket.TicketNo = Baggage.TicketNo}} \text{Baggage} \\[6pt]
& R_4 = \sigma_{\text{Name} = \text{'Air Canada'}} (R_3) \\[6pt]
& R_5 = \pi_{\text{TicketNo}, \text{TotalWeight}} (R_4) \\[6pt]
& \text{Result} = \\
& \quad \gamma_{\text{TicketNo}, \, \text{avg}(\text{TotalWeight}) \rightarrow \text{AverageBaggageWeight}} (R_5)
\end{align} R 1 = Ticket ⋈ FlightNo = FlightNo ∧ FlightDepDate = DepDate ScheduledFlight R 2 = R 1 ⋈ AirlineAlias = Alias Airline R 3 = R 2 ⋈ Ticket.TicketNo = Baggage.TicketNo Baggage R 4 = σ Name = ’Air Canada’ ( R 3 ) R 5 = π TicketNo , TotalWeight ( R 4 ) Result = γ TicketNo , avg ( TotalWeight ) → AverageBaggageWeight ( R 5 )
NOTE : R2 should “\leftouterjoin” instead (but current limitation of LaTeX renderer)
R 1 = Ticket ⋈ FlightNo = FlightNo ∧ FlightDepDate = DepDate ScheduledFlight R 2 = Baggage ⋈ TicketNo = TicketNo R 1 R 3 = σ BagType = ’Oversized’ ∧ Fragile = False ∧ TotalWeight > 90 ∧ DepDate ≥ ’2023-12-10’ ∧ DepDate ≤ ’2024-01-03’ ( R 2 ) Result = π TicketNo, TotalWeight ( R 3 ) \begin{align}
& R_1 = \text{Ticket} \bowtie_{
\text{FlightNo = FlightNo} \\
\wedge \, \text{FlightDepDate = DepDate}
} \text{ScheduledFlight} \\[6pt]
& R_2 = \text{Baggage} \bowtie_{\text{TicketNo = TicketNo}} R_1 \\[6pt]
& R_3 = \sigma_{\substack{
\text{BagType} = \text{'Oversized'} \\
\wedge \, \text{Fragile} = \text{False} \\
\wedge \, \text{TotalWeight} > 90 \\
\wedge \, \text{DepDate} \geq \text{'2023-12-10'} \\
\wedge \, \text{DepDate} \leq \text{'2024-01-03'}
}} (R_2) \\[6pt]
& \text{Result} = \pi_{\text{TicketNo, TotalWeight}} (R_3)
\end{align} R 1 = Ticket ⋈ FlightNo = FlightNo ∧ FlightDepDate = DepDate ScheduledFlight R 2 = Baggage ⋈ TicketNo = TicketNo R 1 R 3 = σ BagType = ’Oversized’ ∧ Fragile = False ∧ TotalWeight > 90 ∧ DepDate ≥ ’2023-12-10’ ∧ DepDate ≤ ’2024-01-03’ ( R 2 ) Result = π TicketNo, TotalWeight ( R 3 )
R 1 = σ srcAirport = ’YYZ’ ∧ dstAirport = ’MCO’ ( Route ) R 2 = R 1 ⋈ Route.RouteID = ScheduledFlight.RouteID ScheduledFlight R 3 = R 2 ⋈ ScheduledFlight.FlightNo = Ticket.FlightNo ∧ ScheduledFlight.DepDate = Ticket.FlightDepDate Ticket R 4 = R 3 ⋈ Ticket.TicketNo = Book.TicketNo Book MinPrice = G ∅ , min_price ← MIN(Price) ( Π Price ( R 4 ) ) Result = Π TicketNo , DepDate → DepartureDate , Price → minPrice , Website ( σ Price = min_price ( R 4 × MinPrice ) ) \begin{align}
& R_1 = \sigma_{\substack{\text{srcAirport} = \text{'YYZ'} \\ \land \, \text{dstAirport} = \text{'MCO'}}} (\text{Route}) \\[6pt]
& R_2 = R_1 \bowtie_{\text{Route.RouteID} = \text{ScheduledFlight.RouteID}} \text{ScheduledFlight} \\[6pt]
& R_3 = R_2 \bowtie_{
\text{ScheduledFlight.FlightNo} = \text{Ticket.FlightNo} \\
\land \, \text{ScheduledFlight.DepDate} = \text{Ticket.FlightDepDate}
}} \text{Ticket} \\[6pt]
& R_4 = R_3 \bowtie_{\text{Ticket.TicketNo} = \text{Book.TicketNo}} \text{Book} \\[6pt]
& \text{MinPrice} = \mathcal{G}_{\emptyset, \, \text{min\_price} \leftarrow \text{MIN(Price)}} \Big(
\Pi_{\text{Price}} (R_4)
\Big) \\[6pt]
& \text{Result} = \\
& \quad \Pi_{
\text{TicketNo}, \, \text{DepDate} \rightarrow \text{DepartureDate}, \\
\text{Price} \rightarrow \text{minPrice}, \, \text{Website}
}} \Big(
\sigma_{\text{Price} = \text{min\_price}} (R_4 \times \text{MinPrice})
\end{align} R 1 = σ srcAirport = ’YYZ’ ∧ dstAirport = ’MCO’ ( Route ) R 2 = R 1 ⋈ Route.RouteID = ScheduledFlight.RouteID ScheduledFlight R 3 = R 2 ⋈ ScheduledFlight.FlightNo = Ticket.FlightNo ∧ ScheduledFlight.DepDate = Ticket.FlightDepDate Ticket R 4 = R 3 ⋈ Ticket.TicketNo = Book.TicketNo Book MinPrice = G ∅ , min_price ← MIN(Price) ( Π Price ( R 4 ) ) Result = Π TicketNo , DepDate → DepartureDate , Price → minPrice , Website ( σ Price = min_price ( R 4 × MinPrice ) )
R 1 = Π RouteID , AirlineAlias ( Use ) R 2 = G RouteID , NumAirlines ← COUNT ( AirlineAlias ) ( R 1 ) Result = Π RouteID ( σ NumAirlines ≥ 3 ( R 2 ) ) \begin{align}
R_1 &= \Pi_{\text{RouteID}, \text{AirlineAlias}} (\text{Use}) \\[8pt]
R_2 &= \mathcal{G}_{\text{RouteID}, \text{NumAirlines} \leftarrow \text{COUNT}(\text{AirlineAlias})} (R_1) \\
\text{Result} &= \Pi_{\text{RouteID}} (\sigma_{\text{NumAirlines} \geq 3} (R_2))
\end{align} R 1 R 2 Result = Π RouteID , AirlineAlias ( Use ) = G RouteID , NumAirlines ← COUNT ( AirlineAlias ) ( R 1 ) = Π RouteID ( σ NumAirlines ≥ 3 ( R 2 ))
R 1 = Route ⋈ Route.RouteID = Use.RouteID Use R 2 = σ AirlineAlias IS NULL ( R 1 ) Result = Π RouteID , srcAirport → SourceAirport , dstAirport → DestinationAirport ( R 2 ) \begin{align}
R_1 &= \text{Route} \: \Join_{\text{Route.RouteID = Use.RouteID}} \: \text{Use} \\[6pt]
R_2 &= \sigma_{\text{AirlineAlias} \: \text{IS} \: \text{NULL}} (R_1) \\[6pt]
\text{Result} &= \\
& \quad \Pi_{\text{RouteID}, \,
\text{srcAirport} \rightarrow \text{SourceAirport}, \\
\text{dstAirport} \rightarrow \text{DestinationAirport}
}} (R_2)
\end{align} R 1 R 2 Result = Route ⋈ Route.RouteID = Use.RouteID Use = σ AirlineAlias IS NULL ( R 1 ) = Π RouteID , srcAirport → SourceAirport , dstAirport → DestinationAirport ( R 2 )
NOTE : Route should “\leftouterjoin” instead (but current limitation of LaTeX renderer)
Staff = Π PersonID ( Pilot ) ∪ Π PersonID ( CabinCrew ) ∪ Π PersonID ( GroundStaff ) StaffPassengers = Π PersonID ( Passenger ) ∩ Staff Result = G ∅ , NumStaffPassengers ← COUNT(PersonID) ( StaffPassengers ) \begin{align}
& \text{Staff} = \\
& \quad \Pi_{\text{PersonID}} (\text{Pilot}) \space \cup \\
& \quad \Pi_{\text{PersonID}} (\text{CabinCrew}) \space \cup \\
& \quad \Pi_{\text{PersonID}} (\text{GroundStaff}) \\[6pt]
& \text{StaffPassengers} = \\
& \quad \Pi_{\text{PersonID}} (\text{Passenger}) \cap \text{Staff} \\[6pt]
& \text{Result} = \\
& \quad \mathcal{G}_{\emptyset, \, \text{NumStaffPassengers} \leftarrow \text{COUNT(PersonID)}} (\text{StaffPassengers})
\end{align} Staff = Π PersonID ( Pilot ) ∪ Π PersonID ( CabinCrew ) ∪ Π PersonID ( GroundStaff ) StaffPassengers = Π PersonID ( Passenger ) ∩ Staff Result = G ∅ , NumStaffPassengers ← COUNT(PersonID) ( StaffPassengers )
CabinCrewWithAirline = Π PersonID , AirlineAlias ( CabinCrew ) PilotsWithPlanes = Π PersonID , AirlineAlias ( Pilot ⋈ Pilot.PersonID = Flies.PilotID Flies ⋈ Flies.AirplaneSNo = Airplane.SerialNo Airplane ) AllStaffWithAirline = CabinCrewWithAirline ∪ PilotsWithPlanes StaffPassengers = AllStaffWithAirline ⋈ PersonID Π PersonID ( Passenger ) Result = G AirlineAlias , StaffPassengerCount ← COUNT(PersonID) ( StaffPassengers ) \begin{align}
& \text{CabinCrewWithAirline} = \\
& \quad \Pi_{\text{PersonID}, \, \text{AirlineAlias}} (\text{CabinCrew}) \\[6pt]
& \text{PilotsWithPlanes} = \\
& \quad \Pi_{\text{PersonID}, \, \text{AirlineAlias}} (\\
& \qquad \text{Pilot} \bowtie_{\text{Pilot.PersonID} = \text{Flies.PilotID}} \text{Flies} \\
& \qquad \bowtie_{\text{Flies.AirplaneSNo} = \text{Airplane.SerialNo}} \text{Airplane}\\
& \quad ) \\[6pt]
& \text{AllStaffWithAirline} = \\
& \quad \text{CabinCrewWithAirline} \cup \text{PilotsWithPlanes} \\[6pt]
& \text{StaffPassengers} = \\
& \quad \text{AllStaffWithAirline} \bowtie_{\text{PersonID}} \Pi_{\text{PersonID}} (\text{Passenger}) \\[6pt]
& \text{Result} = \\
& \quad \mathcal{G}_{\text{AirlineAlias}, \, \text{StaffPassengerCount} \leftarrow \text{COUNT(PersonID)}} (\text{StaffPassengers})
\end{align} CabinCrewWithAirline = Π PersonID , AirlineAlias ( CabinCrew ) PilotsWithPlanes = Π PersonID , AirlineAlias ( Pilot ⋈ Pilot.PersonID = Flies.PilotID Flies ⋈ Flies.AirplaneSNo = Airplane.SerialNo Airplane ) AllStaffWithAirline = CabinCrewWithAirline ∪ PilotsWithPlanes StaffPassengers = AllStaffWithAirline ⋈ PersonID Π PersonID ( Passenger ) Result = G AirlineAlias , StaffPassengerCount ← COUNT(PersonID) ( StaffPassengers )
3. Indexes
The following includes two possible indexes:
(FlightNo, DeptDate) \text{(FlightNo, DeptDate)} (FlightNo, DeptDate) on ScheduledFlight
Attributes: (FlightNo, DeptDate) on ScheduledFlight
Properties: composite index on both attributes , clustered index respectively
Q3, Q4, Q7b given these queries heavily join with ScheduledFlight and filter on depature dates
composite nature supports queries that use both FlightNo and DepDate in joins (frequently due to the foreign key relationship with Ticket table)
Since these fields are part of the primary key of ScheduledFlight and are frequently used in joins with Ticket
help with range scan on DepDate
(RouteID, AirlineAlias) \text{(RouteID, AirlineAlias)} (RouteID, AirlineAlias) on Use
Attributes: (RouteID, AirlineAlias) on Use
Properties: composite index., unclustered index respectively
Q5a, Q5b, Q7a and indirect Q4
given these rely on route-airline relationship
Q5a needs to count distinct airlines per route, so this index eliminate this scan
Q7a looks for ACA airline routes, so this will provide direct access
Being unclustered is appropriate as Use
is frequently accessed for lookups but doesn’t require physical ordering